When you are ready to submit a 메이저사이트 plan application (new application or amendment), be sure to know what to include in the application packet.
You also need to know if you must hold a public meeting or display signs in your neighborhood to inform the community about the proposed project. After you receive your Notice of Complete Application, you can then schedule the public hearing. The Office of Strategic Planning Staff can also provide you with an electronic template for a sign. They can also give you information about the standards and requirements for signs. If you have questions, check out the City Code section relating to signs.
Application packet for major site plan (new application or amendment)
When preparing an application packet for a major site plan, the applicant should include all necessary information. Incomplete information may result in the application being returned. A site plan must include information such as the location of utilities and easements, dimensions of the property, and the types of pavement to be used. It must also include all existing and proposed structures and their dimensions. It should also show the location of all existing trees, and propose replacements if necessary.
Before applying, it is important to understand that this document will become a public record. Once the application packet is complete, the Planning Department will distribute it to the members of the Technical Review Committee. The TRC Meeting is typically scheduled for the 4th Thursday following submission. The Case Planner will notify the Applicant and Engineer of the date of the TRC meeting, and the Case Planner will compile review comments and prepare a draft letter. This draft letter is sent to the Applicant and Engineer 48 hours before the meeting.
The applicant must also provide an electronic PDF version of the plans. The plans must be at least 11×17 inches. If the plans are not complete, they will be returned without review. In general, a review takes two weeks, but this can extend depending on the scope of the proposed work. When submitting a new application, the applicant must provide a letter from the owner of more than five percent (5%) of the property and a letter from the county commissioner of public works.
Signs required for major site plan review
메이저사이트 plan review is a process whereby the City Planning Board reviews an application for new development. The Board then decides whether to approve the project with conditions or with some modifications. This decision is documented in a written notice. The applicant must then submit a building permit application that reflects the approved conditions and minor modifications.
The site plan should include all of the major buildings and structures, as well as any roads, sidewalks, or trails. It should also identify any existing development, including trees and drainage systems. It should also indicate the position and size of sewers, water supply lines, and other utilities. If possible, the site plan should include photos of the site.
Neighborhood meetings required
Most proposed developments in Washoe County are required to host neighborhood meetings before applying for a development permit. These meetings allow the public to provide input and have their input considered in the final development plan. Meetings are scheduled before the application process and are organized by citizen advisory boards. The purpose of these boards is to bring the community together to express their concerns, share ideas and listen to subject matter experts.
The purpose of these meetings is to ensure the public is informed about a development proposal and resolve issues that may impact the quality of life or the value of nearby properties. Neighborhood meetings are required when a proposed development will be adjacent to existing residential development or is within 500 feet of one. An applicant must send a written notice to neighbors at least ten (10) days before a scheduled meeting. The written notice must include a site plan and elevations.
When the neighborhood meeting is scheduled, it is important to contact neighbors to find out their concerns. It is also important to find out when the meeting is most convenient for everyone involved. In general, the meeting should take place near the site of the project and at a location that is comfortable for everyone. If the site is too far away, it may be necessary to find an alternate meeting location within two miles of the proposed site. The meeting location can be indoors or outdoors.