It’s an excellent chance to restructure your life, develop as a person, and find new (better) ways of living.
This is the stage of development for Toto Major Site 안전놀이터. You will no longer consider gambling and can cope with whatever life throws. You can reduce the influence of gambling on your conduct and confront and cope with challenges.
You may sacrifice yourself for others while loving and caring for people around you. Furthermore, the experience of overcoming gambling addiction provides us with valuable personal knowledge. You will have a deeper understanding of yourself and others and be more powerful in your new life, free of gambling.
The circle of transformation
The preceding issue, the three gambling phases are excellent tools for visualizing rehabilitation procedures. Nonetheless, they are not perfect for identifying the possible course or recurrence that is typical even throughout Toto’s 안전놀이터 extended recovery phase.
A “super-theoretical model” was established in the late 1970s to analyze the experiences of smokers working on their addiction and to identify many phases of change. This approach assumes that individuals modify habitual behavior through a cyclical process rather than changing it immediately and forcefully.
There are six phases of transformation, according to this concept.
- Precontemplation: During this stage, individuals are unaware that their action is wrong or may have bad consequences. They often exaggerate the benefits and drawbacks of altering their habit.
- Contemplation: At this point, individuals will begin to behave healthily or abstain from engaging in unhealthy behavior soon. They see their behavior is harmful and begin to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of changing more logically and realistically. However, these individuals may still need to be certain that they want to make a difference.
People in this stage (also known as the preparation stage) are ready to act within the next 30 days. Making and taking little steps toward the desired change may lead to a better lifestyle.
People in the “action” stage want to make current adjustments and move on. This might be indicated by altering harmful habits or acquiring a new beneficial activity.
At this level, persons will be able to sustain the newly altered behavior for an extended time (defined as more than six months) and will continue to do so in the future. We want to avoid relapse and do not want to revert to our prior bad habits.
At this point, individuals do not wish to return to their harmful habit and are convinced that it will not happen again. This stage, however, is exceedingly unusual. A terminal phase is uncommon since most individuals are in a maintenance phase.
The course and recurrence are only stated during the maintenance phase, although they may occur at any moment. Although such relapses may impede the individual’s development, the person must maintain optimism and keep moving. The two models mentioned above have limits and are not ideal, but they may give you the posture you need to win the fight. Let’s see what we can come up with now. Take good care of yourself.